Ukázka z referátu
Political system
- the constitution was written in 1787
a) this document garantines => freadom of religion, free speach, free press, ?.
b) Separates the power into 3 branches
1. exexutive => the president George Bush
- the seats in the White house in Wash. D.C.
- he´s elected for a term of 4 years and can be elected only twice
- job - siqus bills
- represents a country abroud and at home
- he choose a cabinet of 13 advisers
- he apoints federal judges and ambasadors
2. legislative (zákon) => the congres
- they north in Capital building
- it´s disodent into:
a) the seuate ? 100 nnumbers for a 6 years
b) the Hause of representatives ? 435 numbers ? elected for 2 years
c) their job ? they make law, decide how to spend countries money
3. judicial
- it´s represented they Supreme Const (nejvyšší sendem/tendem?)
- it meats in the Supr.const.b.
- it´s made up of 9 judges who served for a life
- their leader is called ? the Chief Justice
job: - they explain meaning of laws they decide if laws agree with constitution
the Amerivan Flag
- the stars and stripes ? called
- consist of 50 * = 50 states, 13 stripes - read and write => 13 colonies
Celý referát o USA