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The population of Australia is some 17 million. Around 85% people live in urban areas mainly along the south-east coast. Deserts and the tropical northern part are mostly uninhabited. 95% of inhabitants are of British origin and 3% are made by other European ethnic groups. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. represented by the Governor-General.
Main industries are iron, steel, textiles, electrical equipment, chemicals, cars, aircraft, ship and machinery. Australia belongs to the top exporters of beef, lamb, wool and wheat. Currency used in Australia is the Australian Dollar.
In Australia there are many big cities. The capital of Australia is Canberra,
but the oldest and biggest one is Sydney. There are two interesting and very well known places in Sydney. The Sydney Opera House, it is a swan-shaped, and The Harbour Bridge. The third largest city is Brisbane. Melbourne is one of the most beautiful cities - there are a lot of museums, galleries and parks.
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